What to Expect

Greater Bethel is a multi-generational congregation that celebrates the diverse ages and cultures in our congregation.  From children to senior adults, we strive to welcome and minister to people from all walks of life.



If you have a Bible, bring it with you. If you don’t, we’ll have one for you in the back of a seat, no worries. You’ll need it because Pastor Hendley walks us through the Scripture line by line. We believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and useful for teaching. But don’t worry, you don’t have to be a Bible scholar to hang with us; God’s Word is designed to meet you where you are.


Our gatherings exist to glorify God in worship and in His Word. Worship through music is one way we express our gratitude for all that God is and all that He has done and is doing in spite of our failures and short comings. It prepares our mind to receive the Word of God and softens even the hardest hearts. No dress code. No need to have it all together before you walk through the doors. It’s not about us anyway; it’s all about Him.



Greater Bethel desires for those of all ages to come to Know, Follow, and Share Jesus Christ. We have vibrant children and student ministries to help our young people grow in their knowledge and relationship with Jesus. There are many ministries for adults from collegiate to senior adults all focused on our mission to create vibrant disciples of Christ. Visit our Ministries section to learn more about how you can be involved in the ministries at Greater Bethel.


If you have children in Kindergarten through Sixth Grade, check them in on 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays at Bethel Kids located in the Fellowship Hall. A Greeter will be available in the main lobby to help point you in the right direction. At Greater Bethel we actively engage children in the Gospel and encourage them to discover a relationship with Jesus Christ. For more information….



Greater Bethel encourages and embraces all who walk through our doors to dress how they feel comfortable.  On any given Sunday morning, we have those who dress formal (suits and dresses) sitting alongside someone in jeans.  Our attire could be described as casual… we are more interested in the person than what they wear.